A+ Atlantic Swordfish

Fresh raw swordfish loin on ice.

Distinct Flavor and Texture

Swordfish has an unmistakable taste and mouthfeel. Mild and almost sweet, it is palatable because it isn’t at all fishy. The pinkish-white, hearty meat absorbs and complements bold seasonings and various cooking methods.

Regulated and Responsibly Sourced

Like yellowfin tuna, swordfish is sourced from different regions to prevent overfishing. Boats go on short trips to procure the freshest fish possible.

Several and restrictions exist for swordfish fishing:

  • limited access for longline and handgear.

  • limitations on the number of boats allowed to fish

  • minimum catch size requirements

  • catch tracking and annual catch limits

  • approved use of pelagic longline and handgear to avoid harmful impact to their environment.

drawing of swordfish on white background.

Yellowfin Tuna


Black Sea Bass